A downloadable game for Linux

A Snake Xenzia clone for Linux terminal. 


Up Arrow > Move up

Down Arrow > Move down

Right Arrow > Move right

Left Arror > Move left

 q > quit the game


Input queueing: It will execute the inputs one by one in order

Wall Warping: The head will teleport to the wall opposite when the head hits a wall. 


1. Download the executable. (Yes, I was bored to write some fancy installer)

Memory: Around 210 kb. 


1. Open the terminal.

2. Go to the directory where the executable is stored.

3. Run the following command:

               chmod +x SnakeXenzia

4.  To run game, enter the following command:

               ./SnakeXenzia HEIGHT WIDTH

5. Enter the desired height and width in the place of 'HEIGHT' and 'WIDTH' respectively.

WARNING: This game receives input from the terminal through non-canonical mode, problems may arise when quitting the game without losing or pressing 'q'. Run the following command to reset the terminal to its former glory:   

                stty icanon echo


SnakeXenzia 96 kB

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